Walter Hall: New Ceramic Sculpture

Oct 10th - Nov 1st, 1986

 Juried Solo Exhibition: Walter Hall.

The Clay Studio is pleased to present "NEW CERAMIC SCULPTURE", a solo exhibit by Walter Hall as the first juried invitational exhibit of its 1986-87 season.

The exhibit runs from October 10th through November 1st. Mr. Hall works primarily with wall pieces, using figures or ancient pot forms against flat, rectangular backdrops, with strong desert influences.

Presently chairman of the Sculpture and Ceramics Department of the Hartford Art School at the University of Hartford, Walter Hall received his BA in Fine Arts from Haverford College and his MEA in Ceramics from the University of Massachusetts. Mr. Hall has lectured and shown his work across the country, appearing in exhibits at the Renwick Gallery, Washington D.C.; the Everson Museum, Syracuse, NY; the Museum of Contemporary Crafts, NYC; and as far away as the Hong King Museum of Art, Hong Kong amoung others.

"Aspects of the American Southwest and its history, such as dry desert or adobe-like surfaces, suggestions of Navajo and Peueblo sand paintings and Mimbres pottery, emerge in many of the pieces," says Mr. Hall. "I work intuitively," he continues. "Starting from an initial impulse, I rough out a complete piece in my mind. Despite my intention to follow this plan closely, in most cases it serves only as a point of departure... each piece develops in unpredictable ways, and the end result is more often than not a complete transformation of the original idea."