Allison Newsome: Narrative Sculpture

Feb 25th - Mar 15th, 1983

The Clay Studio presents Allison Newsome, "Narrative Sculpture" in an exhibition opening February 25, 1983.

The narrative quality of these 3 to 4 foot totem-like sculptures is based on the symbols of everyday life: shopping, dressing. and ironing. Ms. Newsome demonstrates to the viewer that man's commonplace objects become an extension of himself. Her sculptures, in turn, are a celebration of the ordinary. These vertical pieces were created from stoneware, using mason stains, slips, low-fire glazes and oxides.

Ms. Newsome graduated from California State University, Chico with a BA in sculpture and will receive her MA from Rhode Island School of Design this June. Previous exhibitions include The Westwood Clay National, 1982 and therauiss National Ceramic Exhibition at the Pacific Northwest College of Art, Portland, Oregon. Her work is included in the Burlieghfield Art Center Gallery Collection, Loudwater, England and the Gregg Berryman Private Collection in California.