Your donation supports the Clay Club after-school program

The Clay Studio’s after-school program, Clay Club, began in the fall of 2022 is a free program that serves youth in the South Kensington neighborhood of Philadelphia. The program combines academic support with arts activities to engage students and prepare them for academic success. Open initially to elementary-aged youth, the After-School Clay Club program now serves elementary to high school students Monday through Thursday throughout the school year from 3 - 6 p.m.

Contributions to The Clay Studio’s After-School Artist program support our robust educational opportunities for Philadelphia’s youth.  Your support helps to providing students with a safe, supportive, and creative environment that is crucial to their success and well-being. It provides an accessible, free program for students to express themselves and tap into their potential. The After-School program depends on funding to support teaching artists, curriculum development, snacks, and provide students with professional artistic supplies.

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Please support our After-School program

With your support, you are contributing to the well-being of Philadelphia’s students. Please be a part of our after-school program with your donation.

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